Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I become a MusicGirl?

Simply sign up for the MusicGirl Newsletter and "like" our Facebook Page. Both will keep you abreast of MusicGirl activities. Once you take part, you're a MusicGirl!

Please fill out the contact form at the following link and we will sign you up for our newsletter.

How much does it cost to be a MusicGirl?

We strive to make all our activities accessible to any girl who wants to participate. Many activities are completely free thanks to our incredible community of supporters. We may charge a reasonable fee for some activities in order to fairly compensate the musicians who instruct. If we charge a fee, it covers only a portion of our expenses.

What types of activities are provided to MusicGirls?

 In addition to MusicGirl Summer Camp, we offer family camp outs to music festivals, informal jam sessions, group classes, special workshops, performance opportunities, private lessons, scholarships to music camps and more.

Do MusicGirls receive private lessons?

MusicGirl Volunteers will  help connect students with private teachers and the parents pay the teacher directly. If financial need is recognized and we believe the student is dedicated, We may be able to assist with private lessons.  

Can I be a MusicGirl if I do not have an instrument?

YES! MusicGirls has a limited number of instruments to loan out with the agreement that the girl may keep the instrument as long as she is using it. If it is not being used, it should be returned to MusicGirls so another girl may benefit from it. We currently have guitars (acoustic and electric), ukuleles (soprano, tenor and baritone), mountain dulcimers, electric basses, 5-string banjos, mandolins, keyboards, cellos and several sizes of violins.

Do I have to learn to read music to participate?

We generally teach music "by ear", but we encourage girls to also learn to read music. Both skills are important and they complement each other. We like to start girls on easy instruments like dulcimer and ukulele that are easy to learn. Later, if girls transfer their interest to other instruments like piano, cello, and violin, they will benefit from learning to read music.

I already play an instrument – may I still participate?

We want to support MusicGirls wherever they are on their musical journey, beginner to advanced. More advanced players can apply for scholarships to music camps, they can take advantage of performance opportunities we provide throughout the year, we might connect them with advanced private instructors, or we might connect them with other girls to start a MusicGirl band! Advanced MusicGirls may also be assistant instructors. Or they may want to try a new instrument.

I have an instrument I never use anymore. May I donate it to Sandy's MusicGirls?

Probably! Donated instruments have been a big help for us to get instruments for girls who need one. So contact us and let us know what you have to donate. We have a volunteer luthier (stringed instrument repair person) who fixes up donated instruments for us. If it is an instrument that we can't use, we may reserve the right to sell it to purchase a more useful instrument. Thanks for your generosity! Please fill out the Contact Form so we can make arrangements.

Who is the "Sandy" of Sandy's MusicGirls?

Sandy Greer was a wonderful singer and guitar player. She delighted audiences in central Florida for 25 years with her clear, strong vocals and fingerpicking guitar. She was equally skilled singing folk, country, standards, and rock music. Sandy passed away in 2014 from lung cancer at the age of 60. Her musical legacy lives on through the MusicGirls that put their hearts into their music the way Sandy did.

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